Grow Binghamton Alumni

About GB Alumni Group

As a Grow Binghamton Alumni, VINES would love to stay more connected in your lives. Our Grow Binghamton Program has had 13 years of wonderful youth, but that means many of our youth are now adults working and living in the community and starting starting careers and families.

Through forming an Alumni Group VINES’ goal is to stay more connected. The Alumni Group will allow a forum for networking and community engagement.
We will be hosting quarterly get-togethers which range from social engagements to re-connect with friends (and VINES staff), to meetings to discuss important issues in our community and provide opportunities for civic engagement.

Stay Connected:

As Grow Binghamton Alumni, please be sure to contact VINES to stay in the loop on upcoming events.
Regardless if you still live in Binghamton or not, staying in touch with alumni can present new ideas and opportunities. 

Join our Facebook group, “VINES Grow Binghamton Alumni”

Text @alumnigb to 81010 to stay up to date on upcoming events.

Contact to get on our mailing list

Upcoming Event:

Check out VINES’ upcoming events here.

We are planning alumni events for this year and would love to hear from you! Please fill out the survey below.