Culinary Garden Design

Do you have a favorite food you like to share at home?  Why not design a Culinary Garden to supply all of the ingredients you need?  These designs are created using the Square Foot gardening method for raised beds- these diagrams (pictures drawn to scale) show how many vegetables you need to plant in each square foot of space.   If you crowd your plants too close together, they will not have enough space to get the sunlight and nutrients (vitamins and minerals) they need to grow big and healthy.  


You can also grow a Salsa Garden    

Notice that Peppers and Tomatoes are planted on the North end of the garden bed in order to prevent shading the other plants when they grow full size.

Or Try a Salad Garden:

Do you have a favorite dish that you would like to plan your garden around?  Use the square foot gardening chart below to plan your own Culinary Garden.

To learn more about how to plan a square foot garden, please register for our Free Gardening 101 Workshop by visiting