Congratulations Grow Binghamton Graduates!

Congratulations to the 2015 Grow Binghamton Crew for completing 6 weeks of employment at VINES. This motivated group of young people ages 15-19 grew thousands of pounds of food in gardens built on former vacant lots throughout the City of Binghamton. Not only did youth receive a paycheck for their hard work, but also gained valuable skills to carry them through future school, jobs, college, and life.



Highlights this year included harvesting vegetables and fruits from the 1/2 acre Urban Farm, adding new growing space by breaking ground at the CHOW Farm, providing enough food to fill Farm Shares for 25 local families, donating produce, educating elementary school children about nutrition, and participating in various field trips and trainings.

To conclude a great summer, youth invited their friends and family to visit the Urban Farm and share a meal together last Thursday. Check out the news coverage here.