Urban Farm Update

The Urban Farm, an urban agriculture site and market garden located at 16 tudor st, continues to thrive while supplying fresh vegetables to downtown and other neighborhoods in Binghamton.

Currently the Urban Farm is reaping fruitful harvests into the fall thanks to the help of staff, volunteers, and of course the Summer Youth Employment Program. Click Here for a summary of goals achieved by the hard-working and motivated youth employees this year. Both greenhouse capacity and outdoor growing space have been increased this summer. Harvest will continue into the winter – especially of greens and microgreens- with the utilization of extended season growing practices.

Expanding growing space in the greenhouse with Summer Youth Program employees.

Expanding growing space in the greenhouse with Summer Youth Program employees.

In a couple months Urban Farm produce will be available at the Otsiningo Winter Farmer’s Market in the Metrocenter, but for now don’t forget to visit us at the Ostiningo Park Farmer’s Market on Saturdays from 9am-1pm. Also keep an eye out for Urban Farm produce at local businesses including Old Barn Hollow, Remlik’s, and Water st. Brewing Company.

AmeriCorps Member Natalie and Intern Mariella with VINES at the Otsiningo Farmer's Market

AmeriCorps Member Natalie and Intern Mariella with VINES at the Otsiningo Farmer’s Market