Seed Saving

Seed saving is an ancient practice that allows us to influence the performance and quality of our future crops without having to rely on store bought seeds or transplants.

Different crops have different types of seeds, and create their seeds in different ways. This website provides information on the various methods of harvesting, cleaning and storing various types of seeds. Also, keep in mind that although many crops will go to seed in one growing season, others will need more than just one year to produce seeds.

Saving the seeds of hybrid crop varieties can have unpredictable results, so it’s best to stick to heirloom varieties when starting out. Aim for heirloom, organic, non GMO, open pollinated seeds

When saving the seeds of fruiting crops like tomatoes, melons and cucumbers, you will need to let the seeds ferment in water. Other plants that produce seeds in pods or husks need to be dried out before being stored