Winter Tool Maintenance

Cleaning and carefully storing tools at the end of the growing season will protect them over the winter so that they are ready to go next spring! 

Before storing, make sure to rinse all tools and remove any excess dirt with a rag or bristle brush. Dry tools and use steel wool to remove any rust. Consider sharpening any dull blades with a sharpening file. To prevent rusting, add a light oil to the metal parts of tools. You may also want to sand and/or oil wooden tool handles to prevent splintering.

Some gardeners suggest storing metal tools in a bucket of sand mixed with a lubricant oil like WD-40 or linseed oil to prevent rusting. If this option doesn’t work for you, make sure to clean tools before storing and keep them in a dry place, hang them up if possible. A tool rack is a great way to keep your tools organized and protected over the winter.

Don’t forget to disconnect sprinkler systems and hoses, drain them and store them neatly coiled to prevent damage over winter. Lawnmower fuel should also be used up or emptied before winter so as to prevent corrosion and clogging. 

Check out these websites for more information and ideas for cleaning and organizing garden tools: